Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Story about Facebook

Jouranl #3- Film Analysis

Jouranl #3

                  The social network

The social network is a very good movie. The story is about Mark Zuckerberg and facebook. The story begins with a really fast conversation between Mark and her girlfriend. Mark was taking about two different topics at same and his react about his girlfriend’ education level (his girlfriend goes to BU). The director used this conversation to imply that he is a very smart and self-conceit. The story is leading by two different lawsuits which show the really talented cutting skill. For instance, when Mark talked about the party at the Jewish fraternities called Alpha Epsilon Pi, the frame go back to that party. Mark went to the party and came to Eduardo. When Mark was going to tell why he wants to found facebook, the frame suddenly cut back to the lawsuit and the reason came out from Eduardo. This makes more dramatic conversation during the lawsuit.

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