Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Carmelo and Lin
Pop Culture Journal #2 Can carmelo and Jeremy Lin Coexist

Journal #2

Carmelo is one of the best basketball players in the league. He is a superstar. He does so many things others players who are not able to do it. Being a superstar, he definitely has very powerful skills and talent. Those abilities allow him to do the most shots. As the article said Carmelo is also a great passer. When the pick-and-roll happens, he can attract the defense and pass the ball to the right teammate. However, Carmelo also is a normal person. As a normal person, he of course will has tough time; especially, after his groin injury. The data given by article is not really means something. He needs to find his best condition. The question is how. The best way I think is though the games. In the game, He will face the real challenge. It can help him get back the playing condition. On the other side, Lin is a very smart player which some commentators called high IQ player. He knows how to play with Carmelo. Now, they find the right strategy to fix the problems. Just keep doing it and they will be much better than now.
Can carmelo and Jeremy Lin Coexist

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