Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Yuanji Tan

Eng 101


How to Make Pineapple Juice

Many people like to drink juice, because it is delicious and healthy. Pineapple juice is definitely one of the good choices. Making juice at home is not as hard as people think; on the other side making Pineapple juice at home is extremely easy. There are many benefits from drinking Pineapple juice, because it contains a large amount of Vitamin C and nutrition that complement with our body.

Tools and Ingredients

To make pineapple juice we absolutely need to shop for a good, juicy and fresh pineapple. Then, prepare a sharp serrated edge cutting knife for cutting pineapple, and a juice blender for making juice. Besides these tools sugar is an alternative ingredients that will sweeten up juice, pineapple is contains sugar itself but adding a bit of sugar will let the juice become tasty.


After the well preparations with tools and ingredients, use the sharp serrated edge cutting knife cut the leaf top off from the pineapple and trim the skin carefully from the sides. Then, cut the pineapple into small pieces. 

Next step is to put all cut small pieces of pineapple into the juice blender, also add two teaspoons of sugar to sweeten up the juice, close blender lit and plug in power, then turn on the blender for approximately one to three minutes. Stop the blender after three minutes to check if all chunks have been blended, if not then turn on blender for another minute, repeat this step until it looks all watery. For a better juicy taste, it is also good to add a cup of water, but it is optional.


The last steps, once the pineapple in the blender are fully chopped that is to say it looks less chunky.  Open the blender lit; shake the blender cup to balance out the pineapple plum in the cup. Pour the blended pineapple juice in the glass, and stop filling the glass before it overflows.

Finally, a fresh juicy pineapple juice is ready to serve. Drinking raw pineapple juice is extremely healthy for our body; it contains vitamin C, vitamin B6, foliate, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, calcium, potassium, and even zinc. Pineapple juice does contain large volumes of natural sugar as well, and although this sugar is healthy to consume, it should be avoided by diabetics. Let's enjoy a glass of pineapple juice and feel all the vitamins and nutritious that are being absorb into body. and have a healthy body every day.

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