Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Jurnal #5 Bloggers choice

Jurnal #5

Can Chinese film has more possibility?

Bruce Lee

Recently years, more and more Chinese directors bring their movies to many western film fests and compete for awards with others. However, many of them are Chinese Kong fu movies. Bruce Lee is the most famous Kong fu star in the world; also he is the first Kong fu star I know in Hollywood. He introduces the Chinese Kong fu to the world, especially to the western world. His movies also are very successful and made hundreds millions dollars in the world. After him, Jackie Chan and Jet Lee are the new generation of Chinese Kong fu movies. Their movies are even more popular in western world and make more money. So, Chinese directors are starting to make much more Kong fu movies. I understand that they know people like Kong fu movies and want to share the market baskets, but keeping make the same style movie is not the way to do that. Hollywood does not produce Hollywood Blockbuster to the world; they also have many different kinds of films. Watching movies with the same subject, even a Chinese will feel tired and boring. If you want to introduce Chinese culture to the world, there are many options not just only the Chinese Kong fu.
Journal #4 Screening Report The Soical Network

Journal #4
Friedn equal to Money

"The Social Network" is directed by David Fincher. In this movie, He made many great scenes. The most impressive scene that I remember is the law suit use to explain why Mark Zuckerburg needs his Eduardo and how he did. The scene begins with a question that Eduardo’s lawyer asked “when did you come to Eduardo with the idea for Facebook?” Then, the scene flashes back twice to another law suit which is between Mark and the twins with some questions. However, Mark did not answer any questions directly. Now, the scene flashes back to the Jewish party night to tell people the question was asked at the first place. Mark went to the party and wanted to tell Eduardo the idea of facebook. Before he even said something, Eduardo told him that he got punched by the Phoenix the club Mark always wants to get in. People can tell Mark is jealousy by looking his face. Then, they went outside to discuss Mark’s idea just because Mark can’t stare at that loop of Niagara Falls. Notice, it was 20 degrees outside. When Mark was going to tell the why he want to do this, the scene flashes back to the Eduardo’s lawsuit and the answer came out from Eduardo “It would be exclusive.” Then, there are two flashbacks to tell people how both of them feel about the idea of facebook. Eduardo wondered why Mark was coming to him but not his roommates. The scene flashes back to the conversation and use it to imply the reason- money. At the end of the conversation, Mark said “It probably was diversity thing, but so what?” Now, people can see what kind of person Mark is. The flashbacks are very important to draw people into the story and the dialogue implies Mark’s personality.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Story about Facebook

Jouranl #3- Film Analysis

Jouranl #3

                  The social network

The social network is a very good movie. The story is about Mark Zuckerberg and facebook. The story begins with a really fast conversation between Mark and her girlfriend. Mark was taking about two different topics at same and his react about his girlfriend’ education level (his girlfriend goes to BU). The director used this conversation to imply that he is a very smart and self-conceit. The story is leading by two different lawsuits which show the really talented cutting skill. For instance, when Mark talked about the party at the Jewish fraternities called Alpha Epsilon Pi, the frame go back to that party. Mark went to the party and came to Eduardo. When Mark was going to tell why he wants to found facebook, the frame suddenly cut back to the lawsuit and the reason came out from Eduardo. This makes more dramatic conversation during the lawsuit.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Carmelo and Lin
Pop Culture Journal #2 Can carmelo and Jeremy Lin Coexist

Journal #2

Carmelo is one of the best basketball players in the league. He is a superstar. He does so many things others players who are not able to do it. Being a superstar, he definitely has very powerful skills and talent. Those abilities allow him to do the most shots. As the article said Carmelo is also a great passer. When the pick-and-roll happens, he can attract the defense and pass the ball to the right teammate. However, Carmelo also is a normal person. As a normal person, he of course will has tough time; especially, after his groin injury. The data given by article is not really means something. He needs to find his best condition. The question is how. The best way I think is though the games. In the game, He will face the real challenge. It can help him get back the playing condition. On the other side, Lin is a very smart player which some commentators called high IQ player. He knows how to play with Carmelo. Now, they find the right strategy to fix the problems. Just keep doing it and they will be much better than now.
Can carmelo and Jeremy Lin Coexist

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Yuanji Tan

Eng 101


How to Make Pineapple Juice

Many people like to drink juice, because it is delicious and healthy. Pineapple juice is definitely one of the good choices. Making juice at home is not as hard as people think; on the other side making Pineapple juice at home is extremely easy. There are many benefits from drinking Pineapple juice, because it contains a large amount of Vitamin C and nutrition that complement with our body.

Tools and Ingredients

To make pineapple juice we absolutely need to shop for a good, juicy and fresh pineapple. Then, prepare a sharp serrated edge cutting knife for cutting pineapple, and a juice blender for making juice. Besides these tools sugar is an alternative ingredients that will sweeten up juice, pineapple is contains sugar itself but adding a bit of sugar will let the juice become tasty.


After the well preparations with tools and ingredients, use the sharp serrated edge cutting knife cut the leaf top off from the pineapple and trim the skin carefully from the sides. Then, cut the pineapple into small pieces. 

Next step is to put all cut small pieces of pineapple into the juice blender, also add two teaspoons of sugar to sweeten up the juice, close blender lit and plug in power, then turn on the blender for approximately one to three minutes. Stop the blender after three minutes to check if all chunks have been blended, if not then turn on blender for another minute, repeat this step until it looks all watery. For a better juicy taste, it is also good to add a cup of water, but it is optional.


The last steps, once the pineapple in the blender are fully chopped that is to say it looks less chunky.  Open the blender lit; shake the blender cup to balance out the pineapple plum in the cup. Pour the blended pineapple juice in the glass, and stop filling the glass before it overflows.

Finally, a fresh juicy pineapple juice is ready to serve. Drinking raw pineapple juice is extremely healthy for our body; it contains vitamin C, vitamin B6, foliate, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, calcium, potassium, and even zinc. Pineapple juice does contain large volumes of natural sugar as well, and although this sugar is healthy to consume, it should be avoided by diabetics. Let's enjoy a glass of pineapple juice and feel all the vitamins and nutritious that are being absorb into body. and have a healthy body every day.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Yuanji Tan
Bradley Tetting
Eng 101

How to Make Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice is a delicious and healthy drink. It contains bromelain, which aids digestion, making it ideal for finishing a meal. Pineapple juice is also filled with vitamin C. When you make juice yourself, you don't have to put in so much sugar, and your juice will be free of preservatives, but most importantly, the juice will be fresh and nutritious.

A large pineapple, freshly purchased, unblemished
2 tsp (10 grams) of sugar
1.      Cut the leaf top off from the pineapple, and then trim the skin from the sides.
2.      Cut the pineapple into small pieces, discarding the core. Dice to approximately the size of sugar cubes.
3.      Put the small pieces of pineapple into the blender/juicer.
4.      Add 2 teaspoons of sugar. This step is optional, but a little sweetness helps to offset the slight tartness of the pineapple.
5.      Blend together for about 1-3 minutes. The amount of time spent blending depends on how chunky you want it to be.
6.      Pour the blended pineapple juice in the glass. Stop filling the glass before it overflows. Serve and enjoy.
Things You'll Need
1.      Knife and cutting board
2.      A juicer
3.      Glass for serving

THE Fruit Garnish
1)     You will need on strawberry, remove green part with paring knife
2)     Remove the Pit from a fresh Bing Cherry
3)     A slice of Pomegranate
4)     A cube of fresh pineapple.
You will need a toothpick or a plastic straw.  Insert the Strawberry first, then the Pineapple, followed by the pomegranate and finally the cherry.  Garnish your homemade pineapple juice with this fruit creation, which may also serve as a brisk, refreshing conclusion to our meal.                    *Extra fruit may be used to garnish the main meal, as the taste of the Roasted pork will accent well with the Fruit.